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Madison Ridgeland Youth Basketball

7th/8th Grade Boys

 Basketball Rules

Federation rules are adhered to with the following exceptions.  These exceptions are made to meet MRYBasketball philosophy of fair play, 
fun, safety and gym time.

1.   Goal Height: 10-foot goals

2.   Ball Size:  Men's Regulation size

3.    A team must have four (4) members present to start the game.

4.    All games will consist of four (4) 8 – minute quarters.  The clock will continue to run, except for time-outs, injuries, official substitutions and official’s
             discretion.  In the last two- (2) minutes of the game, the clock stops as per federation rules.

5.    All players are required to play a minimum of one half of the game. Penalty/one game forfeit.  Game officials will stop play approximately at the four- (4)
             minute mark of each quarter for substitutions.  A play in progress at the four- (4) minute mark will not be halted if the offensive team is actively
             attempting to score.   The only time that you can substitute will be when the official stops clock for official subs.  For a player arriving after the game
             has started: (1) the coach shall notify the scorekeeper at the next stoppage in play, and (2) said player shall play one half of the remaining game beginning
             at the start of next full quarter. 

6.    Fast breaking will be allowed.  The defense can press in the back court.

 7.    A tie game at the end of regulation will stand as a tie.

8.     On the 7th team foul, the opposing team will shoot the bonus free throw. After 5 personal fouls, that player is out of the game.

9.     ONLY the head coach and an assistant coach (who have a processed background check on file) are permitted on the bench during the game.

10.   Each team will be allowed two (2) one-minute time-outs per half.

11.    Please do not interrupt the scorekeepers – If you need to ask them ANYTHING – please call time out --- they cannot be answering your questions
                and continue to watch the game

12.   A game official or person in charge may terminate a game or eject anyone (player, coach or spectator) if in the judgment of the official, the person or
               persons are acting in a manner which is disruptive to the game.  Persons who have been ejected are subject to review of the Parks Directors
               and the Madison Ridgeland Youth Basketball.

13.  Any player who receives a technical foul for behavioral or lack of self-control issues must be subbed for and sit the remainder of the quarter.  The time
              on the bench will count as time played.  Players who receive a technical due to a rule violation will not be required to exit the game.



MRYouth Basketball

Phone: 601-331-1575
Email: [email protected]

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